
Our Advice on Flooring for People with a Dust Mite Allergy

Posted on: 28th June 2016Young boy running through a house

We are well into hayfever season, and an estimated 18 million people in the UK are suffering from an allergy to grass pollen. It’s estimated that over 50% of the population suffer from some kind of allergy, and one of the most common is an allergy to dust mites. It’s thought that these tiny animals are one of the biggest triggers of year-round allergies, and the kind of flooring you have in your home can have a big impact on how much they affect you.

What Is a Dust Mite Allergy?

Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, the European dust mite, loves soft furnishings such as bedding, sofas and carpets. These microscopic organisms thrive in warm conditions, eating mould spores and shed human skin. The excretion that these mites produce contains a number of protein substances, and when these are inhaled, the body produces antibodies that can release a chemical called histamine. This leads to respiratory swelling and irritation, in the same way that hayfever does.

How Can I Get Rid of Dust Mites?

You are not going to win the war on dust mites – it’s impossible to get rid of them completely. However, you can minimise your exposure to them.

  • Buy allergen proof covers for your mattress, duvet and pillow. 
  • Wash and change bedding, sheets and blankets regularly (at least once a week) at 60 degrees centigrade.
  • Wipe all surfaces with a damp cloth weekly.
  • Vacuum your carpets thoroughly.

What Can I Do About Severe Dust Mite Allergies?

If you or a member of your family has a moderate to severe allergy to dust mites, then you should consider replacing any carpets in your house with flooring that is less attractive to dust mites. Vinyl or laminate floors are the best option. They are easy to clean, requiring only a sweep with a soft brush and mop with warm soapy water.

By swapping dusty carpets for modern vinyl flooring, you can make your home a more pleasant environment for someone suffering from a dust mite allergy. Give us a call on 01603 879359 and we can arrange an appointment to call round with a book of samples.

Do you suffer from allergies? What are your tips for getting through hayfever season? Let us know on Facebook and Twitter.